Art Portfolio

Alina Vilasuso Mamakina

Welcome to my Portfolio! Please Enjoy the Galery and make sure to Click the pictures to see the full resolution, Enjoy! :]

My Music Animation Interpretation with my original character

About Me

My Nickname is Mika, also can be found as ATiredFellow. I’m 20 years old and I’m from Spain, currently living in Germany.I’m a Self Taught artist that have been drawing for 5 years and each year with over 500-700 illustrations, my challenge is to draw daily to improve and learn more.I’m going to an Art University on Germany to get my skills better and show a more professional profile of me.I love animating and designing characters to let my creativity flow through my pen while drawing!

Projects I’m working for

My dream is to join animation/game studios to provide my skills and improve as an artist to get experience and become a talented artist!I’ve always hoped someday I would be the own Director and Creator of my own animated series, and currently I’m brainstorming for a abstract spooky serie about the life of a girl on her daily life with her fears and anxiety.I currently participate on a Game Fan Project named Deltarune Smile of Chaos as an Artist / Character Designer / Art Concept / Background Concepr / Character Reference Sheet Artist and I’m enjoying the ride on this small group of independent/freelance artists doing this for the passion for the Fandom of Deltarune.I wish to join in more Teams to provide volunteer / paid work for experience and improve on my skills to understand the professional work of other experienced artists.

Social Media where you can find me: